Questions?  Contact the chapter

Election Information


2024 Chapter election results - Click here.

Announced at the July 16, 2024 membership meeting

The newly elected board members were officially sworn in at the August membership meeting on August 20, 2024.

Chapter Elections

In accordance with the Chapter bylaws, elections are held annually for half of the board of director’s positions with members serving a two-year term.

  • Nominations close at the June general membership meeting.
    • Nominating committee shall present a slate of nominees at the June regular membership meeting.
    • Additional nominations from the floor may be made at the June regular membership meeting.
  • Election polls will be open on two consecutive weekends in July before the July regular membership meeting.  (9 a.m. - 5 p.m.)
  • Election results will be presented to the membership by the election committee chair during the July general membership meeting.
  • Newly elected board members are officially sworn-in / installed at the August general membership meeting.

Committee members:

  • Chair -  Bob Hamilton
  • Co-Chair - Fred Ansick
  • Committee member - Randy Hancock


Chapter officer and board member positions:

       Odd Years (Ex. 2025, 2027)       Even years (ex. 2026, 2028)
President Vice President
Secretary Treasurer
Membership Director Conservation Director
Field Archery Director Education & Training Director
Rifle-Pistol Director Skeet & Trap Director
Air Range Director Target Archery Director
Youth Activities Director (3) Directors-at-Large
(3) Directors-at-Large

Please contact Chapter Nomination/Election Chairmen if you have any questions or are interested in running for an open position.