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Bullseye Pistol Leagues

The Chapter holds two Bullseye Pistol Leagues at the Rifle/Pistol range.

ARL-FX Bullseye RIMFIRE Pistol League  

  • Usually the 1st Sunday in March through August (Months subject to change)
    • Check flyer for specific information.  Click Here

ARL-FX Bullseye Centerfire Pistol Matches League

  • Usually the 1st Sunday in September through December (Months subject to change)
    • Check flyer for specific information.   Click Here


NOTE: Specific information/flyers will also be located on the chapter home page.


If you have never done this before, come out and we will show you how.  Just about everyone who shoots in the league will be glad to tell you how it’s done and how to improve your scores.  Practice is an important part of improving your scores. You will have fun shooting in this league. The matches are relaxed and fun and help is available and all questions will be answered.

For more information about the Bullseye Pistol leagues, please contact Rich Sirois at or 401-365-8950.