Welcome To the Arlington Fairfax Chapter Inc., of the Izaak Walton League of America.
For a brief history of the Izaak Walton League of America click here
About the Chapter:
The chapter was originally chartered as the Falls Church Chapter by the Izaak Walton League of America in February 1936. In 1938 the chapter was renamed to its current name The Arlington-Fairfax Chapter.
The Chapter was incorporated as a “not organized for profit” corporation under Virginia law on March 4, 1947. After that the Internal Revenue Service of the US Department of Treasury approved the chapter as a “nonprofit” educational corporation for tax purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Federal Tax Code.
Currently the chapter holds 110 acres in Fairfax County, Virginia.
- Property obtained in 1952.
- The Conservation Field house built in 1965.
- In the 1960’s, Land was acquired by Fairfax County to build Interstate 66. This left a small parcel of land on other side of I-66 of about 4.5 acres.
- In 1990’s the chapter acquired a small parcel of land on the right side of the Skeet & Trap range.
- The Air range was originally established in 1994 as a public youth shooting outreach program focusing on Air Rifle. This started as a seven-lane range located in a three-stall garage. The 26-lane range extension was started in 2014 and finished in 2015 in time for the World Police and Fire Games that was held in Fairfax County, Virginia. The facility is now home to 7 air rifle teams.
The chapter also owns 50+ acres in the Shenandoah area that is used for hunting. Members can request a permit to hunt on this property. This was acquired in 1997 from the closure of the Annandale-Springfield Chapter, IWLA. (For more information, see Shenandoah County Property webpage)
What the Arlington-Fairfax Chapter Inc., has to offer:
- An Olympic Archery range
- A shotgun range with 4 fields (1 trap only and 3 skeet or trap)
- An indoor 26 position indoor air gun range
- A 17-point outdoor rifle and pistol range with target placements at 25, 50, 75, and 100 yards
- An indoor archery range
- Three outdoor field archery ranges (two 14-point walking and one sighting-in ranges that also includes a crossbow sighting station)
- 2 acre catch-and-release fishing pond
- Campgrounds with rustic camp sites
- Picnic areas with pavilions, a playground, and a playing field
To use the facilities you need to be a member, an escorted guest of a member, or be attending an open public/special event, such as:
- Our annual ladies-only “NRA - Women on Target” event
- A monthly bull’s-eye pistol match
- A monthly air pistol match
- A seasonal monthly Service Rifle match
- A monthly Bull Run Muzzle loaders shoot
- High Power rifle practice
- Amateur Trapshooting Association or National Skeet Shooting Association ‘registered target’ shoots
- A junior in one of our Youth Activities programs
- NOVA Sharpshooters team for international air pistol
- Junior Olympic Archery Development
Members have use of the range facilities when range safety officers are present for the firearms ranges. Members may bring a given guest up to three times a year and up to four guests at a time. Some ranges will have a guest fee. The member may bring their immediate family members as a guest an unlimited number of times and family members are not charged guest fees.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please take a look at our membership page under 'INFORMATION'.