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Winter League

2024 Charles 'Bucky' Sills Winter Skeet and Trap League results - Click here

Charles 'Bucky' Sills Winter Skeet and Trap League

The Arlington-Fairfax Chapter, Inc. (ARL-FX), IWLA, Charles "Bucky' Sills Winter Skeet and Trap League started in the mid-1980's, making it one of the longest continually running Chapter events. The league was formally named after Col. Birt Kidwell (former chapter president) but was renamed in 2022 in the memory of Bucky Sills a lifetime IKE, Chapter Education & Training Director and active member of the winter league prior to his passing. From humble beginnings of a informal group of shotgun enthusiasts, the league has grown to annually field 28 teams of six shooters each for a total of 168 active members (95% of the shooter are current chapter members).

The league is structured to promote skeet and trap shooting as a family oriented recreational activity and for league members to improve their shotgun shooting skills. The league rules promote friendly competition and the ability for shooters of all skill levels to be competitive for awards. Safety, sportsmanship, and camaraderie are among the league objectives, as well as participation in competitive shooting sports. The league roster primarily consists of ARL-FX members and their families, however, non-Chapter members are also welcome to participate. Sign up for league membership is on a first come, first served basis with priority given to teams returning from the previous season. There are also opportunities for substitute shooters to fill in for regular members.

League shoots are conducted on Sundays, typically beginning the first week in January. The season consists of each team shooting six skeet and six trap 50-target matches (two rounds) for a total of 600 targets. Shotguns of 12, 16, 20, 28, or .410 gauge may be used. Competition is generally conducted in accordance with NSSA and ATA rules and all shooting is in compliance with ARL-FX range standard operating procedures. A designated shotgun range safety officer is always physically present as required by Chapter policy. The Chapter shotgun ranges are closed for open shooting on Sundays during the winter league season.

Each shooter’s skeet and trap scores are separately handicapped and updated weekly. Team match scores are the sum of the four highest of the six team member’s handicapped scores for each round shot. Teams compete based on these scores for both head-to-head weekly match points and cumulative team scores achieved over the entire season. Prizes are awarded to the top five teams based on the final standings and individual prizes are presented to the league members with the high overall average (combined skeet and trap), high and runner-up skeet average, high and runner-up trap average, and most improved overall average.

Whether you are new to the shotgun sports or a grizzled veteran of sanctioned competition, the winter league presents an opportunity to participate in a rewarding Chapter activity and to get to know your fellow Chapter members.

For more information please contact John Seaberg at