In 2003 the Chapter board of directors established a charitable trust under Internal Revenue Code section 170(b)(l)(a) called The Arlington-Fairfax Chapter, Inc., IWLA, Education and Training Facility Trust (ETFT).
The purpose of the trust is to secure donations sufficient to design, build, and equip the education and training facility. This project is distinctly separate from the Chapter’s general budget and capital improvement funds. The site for this facility will be across the main road from the Chapter field house.
It will serve as the primary location for:
- NRA basic firearms education and training courses
- NRA concealed carry training
- NRA shooting coach schools
- NRA Refuse To Be a Victim seminars
- NRA Women on Target clinics
- Special clinics
- Smallbore team practice
- Close range shooting (when available)
- IDPA/IPSA/USPSA type shooting matches
The current design includes a classroom along with a pistol/smallbore range. Both may be divided when necessary for multiple events.
Link to ETFT Concept Design Documents
As of August 2020 the trustees are seeking Chapter members with professional fund-raising experience willing to lead and assist in making this important project become reality. The goal of the fundraising campaign is to fund construction of the Education & Training Facility.
For more information, please contact the ARL-FX Chapter, Inc. IWLA Education & Training Facility Trustee's at